The 5 Wild Senses

Applicable Ages: K-2

This program can be adapted for learners of all ages.

Program Description: Students will be encouraged to tap into their sensory skills to consider how we perceive the world may compare with how an animal, or nearby tree, may relate to their environment. Do animals see colors the same way we do? Can trees smell? Students will find that though we are different, every creature is using their sense to navigate their environment, which can sometimes get complicated and overwhelming! Students will also learn sensory strategies to regain peace when finding themselves overstimulated. 

*This program is often part of the “Active Observer” program. This activity pairs well with the “Greenhouse Exploration” & “Meadow Sketch” activities.

Timeframe: 1 Hour; April – October

Educational Standards:

SCI.LS1.A.1 Plants and Animals have external parts that they use to perform daily functions.

SCI. LS2.A.2 : Plants depend on water and light to grow.

SCI.LS1.D.1 Animals sense and communicate information and respond to inputs with behaviors that help them grow and survive.

ELS.C1.D.e : Recognize the mental, socio-emotional, and physical benefits of time spent outdoors, and explore strategies for self-regulation (E.g.; practicing quiet time, bringing awareness to the process of breathing, choosing a natural object to focus on over time), gauging self-limits, and developing confidence.