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    Home > Botanical Gardens > Acorn & Oak Leaf Preserve

    Acorn & Oak Leaf Preserve

    Who isn’t filled with awe at the sight of a majestic Oak tree in the forest or landscape.   Here at the farm we not only value the Oak tree for its beauty, but also the benefit they provide to wildlife.  Our natural areas contain native Oaks over a century in age.  As dedication to these mighty giants, we added our own oak preserve in 2014.  We also start our own oaks from acorns and selectively place them on the property.  Below we have listed the some of the types of Oaks you can see on the farm.

    Oak facts:

    • Over 600 varieties of oaks
    • Fruit of the oak is called an acorn
    • Oaks don’t produce acorns until 20 -50 years of age
    • Mature oaks produce over 2000 acorns per year
    • 1 in 10,000 acorns will become a large tree
    • Oaks can live for several hundred years
    • Oak trees are divided into two groups either red or white
    • Our most common native oaks are Red, Burr, and Northern Pin
    • Wisconsin’s oldest oak tree is a bur oak in Dousman(450 years old)
    • Over 100 birds and animals feed off acorns
    • Ancient people considered oaks a symbol of strength, endurance, and knowledge

    Oaks growing at The Farm:

    • Pin Oak
    • Bur Oak
    • White Oak
    • Red Oak
    • Shingle Oak
    • Swamp White Oak
    • Chinkapin Oak